Kayak Security and Theft

Have you asked yourself what you would do if the unimaginable occurred, and your beloved Fatyak™ was stolen? And of course, with Fatyak™ kayaks being so desirable as a kayak, its highly possible – with opportunist thieves targeting roof racks, car parks, and beaches as just a few common targets to be hit.


One of the first things you should consider doing is properly identifying your kayak. All our kayaks have a unique identification number moulded into the body of the kayak which will aid the recovery of your kayak if it was ever stolen. If your kayak was stolen and recovered, knowing this could help to prove that it is your kayak, so take note of it and keep it safe somewhere, along with any timestamped photos or other unique marks such as stickers, fittings, etc. Secondly, armed with this information, a stolen kayak could be registered on one of a few community-driven databases online, including the Facebook group as well as websites like StolenBoats and SCKD.

Another thing worth doing is checking your home insurance policy to see if your kayak would be covered in the event of theft – while you may imagine it would be covered under the category of sporting goods, a lot of insurers may in fact consider it a boat, and as such, may not cover it. Which would be an unwelcome and unexpected surprise!


Of course, the best strategy to take would be preventing theft in the first place. Extra special care should be taken in any public locations such as car parks, beaches, and town centres, as well as anywhere you might leave a parked car with a kayak on the roof – parked on the road, on your street, or even on a driveway; anywhere it could be easy enough for someone to slide a kayak off the roof as they walk past. If it’s absolutely unavoidable then lock your kayak securely to the car or something else, use ideally a D-lock if possible, steel cable or something along the lines of a bike lock. And, as we recommend, always try to store your Fatyak™ securely inside away from prying eyes or opportunists – ideally inside your house but otherwise inside a locked garage or similar.


Caring for your Fatyak

Durable as they are, a little TLC here and there during your Fatyaking™ career will help the boat last for a lifetime of enjoyment out on the waves. Fatyak™ Kayaks are manufactured from our specially formulated Medium Density Polyethylene; a very durable material with a somewhat flexible memory, meaning it has a tendency to return to its original shape if it becomes distorted. Also, ours has an ultraviolet inhibitor blended in with it, helping to resist colour fade and maintain strength. Regardless, the occasional once-over will help to nip any problems in the bud before they develop into a serious issue, potentially hindering the performance and the safety of your boat.




For example – check the Neoprene dry-hatch covers for wear and tear; check that they seal properly over the hatch and haven’t become worn or damaged, or your dry-hatch storage could end up being more of a water tank! Cables, buckles, and straps need to be checked for wear and tear, and replaced when necessary, in order to keep you and your equipment safely held on top of the boat when you’re out in the waves. If you need help with replacing any parts, feel free to contact us for some advice!




Give your hull and deck a good, thorough review at least once a year to look for any deep wounds or scratches. A few scrapes, light scratches, or nicks are signs of normal wear and tear that would be expected from use on beaches and in the sea; but anything serious, or anything that looks like it could hinder normal operation needs to be repaired. If in doubt, get in touch.




Lastly, while your kayak is designed to require minimal maintenance, it’s always a good idea to rinse your boat and any hardware after you’ve been in salt, brackish, or polluted water. Use mild soap and water and then rinse when complete. After drying your kayak, store it on its side under some form of shelter from the elements, particularly avoiding excessive heat build-up from the sun. If you can, store it inside for the winter, else use a mooring cover.